Kyara Dzenis

Kyara Dzenis

Sunday, November 9, 2008

What is it about the nights?

Kyara had a rough night last night. Her heart rate skyrocketed to 225-235, her blood pressure went up, her oxygen levels decreased to the 60's (normal level are>95%), and she spiked a temperature. The nurses called in the docs again. The have done some cultures on her urine, spit, and blood and know that she has pneumonia. They believe that last night she may have gone into septic shock (where in infection was just in her lungs, it has now spread to her blood vessels, urinary tract, or other parts of her body.) They have changed the antibiotic she was on the address this. Kyara is now stable and looking good. This infection is just another bump in the road toward recovery. Her swelling has decrease alot, I can actually feel bones in her hands if I push hard enough. Before her poor hands were so swollen, they looked like sausage fingers stuck on a big pillow. I could not feel bones at all. The nurse said she is really looking quite good.

Thank you for all the prayers and wonderful comments Kyara is receiving. We are very lucky and blessed to have so many people concerned with her. Willis Road Elem. is unbelievable. Quite a few classes have sent cards that the students have made and Kyara's class also sent a cute poster. I taped the poster to her wall in her room so that she can see it when she wakes up. Ms. Carlisle and Ms. Laurie, Kyara teachers, have been writing the comments up for the students in the class and I just about bawled seeing them. The people, (staff, students, and parents) at Willis Road have been so supportive of us, not just Kyara, but Skylar as well. I feel so blessed to be a part of this fantastic community.


Anonymous said...

We will hope and pray that your road to recovery smoothes out soon. We'll keep on thinking those positive thoughts here in Fayetteville!
We send our love to all of you!

Anonymous said...

Kyara, You are a strong fighter. I am praying for you to get through these bumps in the road. I know you can do it because I know how strong you are and have been for what you are going through. Keep fighting and the healing will come. It sounds like you have alot of GOOD people (doctors and nurses) taking really good care of you. I can't wait to hear when you wake up and see your poster that we made you from all of your classemates who miss you alot and all the other cards that Willis Road students made and sent to you. We are all thinking of you everyday and waiting for you to come through all of the bumps. Keep fighting, I know you can do it.
Mom, thanks for keeping us all informed. If it wasn't for reading her web page, I don't know if Mrs. Carlisle and I could stand it being we are so far away from her. She has healing hands all around her and we have to keep praying for her to do her thing.

Anonymous said...

Keep fighting, baby. Kassey, Skylar and I are pulling for you here in the Ronald McDonald House. Your sisters are thinking of you while they play with other patients' siblings here in the playroom. We love you!

Michelle said...

I have never said so many prayers in my life. Kyara will kick all of this in the behind!! She is one strong girl. You are a very strong family and have so many people praying, that she will get through all the bumps along the way. I am so glad that you are able to keep all of us posted on her daily ups and downs. The ups will far outweigh the downs in the end. Love to all of you,

Ms. Michelle, Mitchell, Matthew, and Michayla

Anonymous said...

What an incredible journey thus far.... thank you for sharing the highs and the lows. One thing I know is that Kyara is an extremely strong and determined little girl. I witnessed her incredible spirit from day one of her first hospitalization. It sounds like she continues to have the fighting spirit, even when under deep sedation! She is an amazing girl with an even more amazing family. Thinking of you all!

Linda from Scottish Rite

Anonymous said...

Keep working hard Kyara. You all continue to be faithful and trust in the LORD. God Bless you all!

The Vaughn's

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear that Kyara had a rough night. We will continue to pray for Kyara and your family.
Marilyn(Kyle's mom)