Kyara Dzenis

Kyara Dzenis

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Gunars and Skylar are Here!

I picked up Gunars and Skylar from the Detroit airport at 6:00 last night. Skylar pulled her suitcase by herself the whole way from the airport to the car. She is getting so big! I was so glad to see Skylar and Gun. I have missed them terribly!
We grabbed some grub, headed back to the Ronald McDonald House (RMH), and got them settled in. My mom was with Kyara. Gunars then headed to the hospital to spend the night with Kyara. My mom called me maybe 2 minutes later to tell me I needed to get to the hospital. Kyara was having some problems and my mom felt uncomfortable about it. My goodness....Well, I can't leave Skylar and Kassey, so I told her Gunars was on his way and for her to come back to RMD so that I could get to the hospital (thank goodness it is within walking/running distance). When I got to Kyara's room, they were taking another xray of her chest. Gunars was standing outside and looking a little in shock and pale. Apparently, they had suctioned Kyara's breathing tube (routine maintance) and she had become VERY upset. She was kicking, pulling, gasping for air around her tube. WELCOME BACK, GUN! The nurse paged the doctors to come help. Finally, she calmed back down, the xray did not show anything new, so the doctors are not sure what caused this response. I reminded them that they had adjusted her pain and sedation medication earlier in the day and could that have anything to do with it? Possibly. Anyway, she was stable again, Gunars felt ok to stay, so after a while I headed back to RMH. I told them (Gunars and the nurse) to call if ANYTHING happens. Kyara ended up having a good night.
I was worried that Gunars would have a hard time sleeping in the chair the staff provided him, but I didn't think it would be me that had the hard night. Kassey must be teething or something because she was up at least 4-5 times in the middle of the night. The walls are very thin at RMH so I was afraid she would wake other families! She ended up in the bed with me, Skylar, and my mom (we had pushed our two twin beds together to accomodate the three of us).
This morning has gone well. Kyara has not had any more emergencies. The doctors did decide to give her a blood transfusion to assist with her red blood cell count, hermaticrit levels, and to increase oxygen to the cells. They also said she is a bit dehydrated in the vessels and the blood would help this.
This afternoon. Gunars will come back to the hospital to be with Kyara. My mom and I are planning on taking the girls to an indoor playground called Java Jungle. We have heard good things from the nurses about it.
Speaking of nurses, I must say, we have a very fortunate with the nurses we have had. Tedra and Sandra have been GREAT! You know there is a difference when the nurse take care of your child with compassion and love, versus just doing the job. Tedra spent the nights with Kyara. She had her hair braided so that it would not knot, she has been so caring, and it has meant the world to me. I felt comfortable leaving Kyara in Tedra's care, knowing she would be watching over her. Tedra should be back for tomorrow's day shift and I am so glad. I just hope she has Kyara.


Michelle said...

It is so nice to see your family all together again! Skylar is one tough cookie, hmmm kind of like Kyara - they must get of from you both! I finally met Gunnars on Friday. You have an amazing family. I miss seeing Kyara everyday, (well M-F) but know that this is going to be the best thing for her! Her little body is going through so much, and there will be setbacks, but you seem to always put the positive spin on it. Glad to hear that you went to an indoor playground. Everything always has a way of working out. Keep the faith - Please give her a hug from me if you can.

Ms. Michelle

Anonymous said...

I know that it must be a relief to have your family back together, even if only for a short time. Keep believing. I still can't get over how much they have all grown since we last saw you. Hopefully you'll get a card from the kids soon. Lots of love
Lana, Russell, Caitlin, Savannah and Alexander

Nancy H said...

My prayers are with Skylar, and all of you. What a wonderful family you have, so blessed to have each other.
Nancy Hyde, Art and Stephen

Anonymous said...

Hey Genie-

Your posts are so good. You are so strong. Hang in there. Give your family a hug for me.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Kyara
So glad to see you have all your family with you. I am so proud of you;with all the complications that arrise you are coming out on top and it takes a very big girl to do that. You are in my prayers everyday. I miss you!!

To mom once again you are doing a great job and the pictures look great for all Kyara has went through. Please give Kyara a kiss from me.

Nurse Misty