Kyara Dzenis

Kyara Dzenis

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Gunars!

Today was Gunars' birthday. It is kinda strange/funny that Kyara shares her birthday with me and her half (6 months) birthday with Gunars! I think that means she is extra special! So, tonight we sang happy birthday to both Gunars and Kyara. Skylar and Bunny made fantastic cupcakes while Lutela helped keep Kassey out of trouble!

Kyara had PT and OT today and the OT, Donna, felt that Kyara was really looking at her. She said she has not felt that before, but that today she really felt like Kyara was making good eye contact. Dan is still working with Kyara, too. Donna and Dan have a good cop, bad cop style. Donna is soft and sweet and Dan is energetic and pushy. I like them both and together they make a great team. Kyara was officially transferred from the Peds Surgery service to Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) service today. This means she will get MORE therapy! Speech will be involved to work on swallowing, tasting, and eating. Kyara will also have PT and OT twice a day instead of only once a day. Too bad today is Friday, the therapists don't work on the weekend, so we have to wait until Monday to get started. We were given "homework," though, so look out Kyara...Mommy and Daddy will be working you!

Tomorrow I am hoping to get Kyara a bath. They have a tub room that has a "chair" that Kyara can sit in and it will drop into a tub, (with bubbles!) so that Kyara can get a good scrub. She has been sweating so much her hair is soaking wet and smells terrible. She also has some breakdown of skin on her neck. It reminds me of a baby's folds in their neck, where if you don't clean it right it gets that yeasty smell and buildup. Oh - now I have told about my inability to keep my kids' neck clean... Well, once they start to smell up the house, I clean them :)

Kyara did not sleep again last night, but she had a 2 1/2 -3 hour nap this afternoon, and she has been sleeping for about 2-3 hours tonight, so hopefully we will have a quiet night.

Thank you for the prayers and please continue them. Kyara is a tough girl, but we need all the help we can get! All of the baby steps that Kyara is taking makes me believe that she is moving in a good direction toward recovery.


Laura said...

Happy Day to Gunars and Happy 1/2 B-day to Kyara! I hope she enjoyed her bubble bath... prayers continue to be said for you all!

Anonymous said...

Steve and Richard from T&P want to wish Gunars a Happy Birthday.
There is a special shower cap that has been invented to wash one's hair without wetting or rinsing it. They just heat the cap up with hot water and stuff all of the hair into the shower cap. You scrunch the hair all around and then take it off. I felt like it left a residue, but it was better than nothing. Ask the nurses about it if you have not already heard about it. I also loved Huggies baby pre-soaped wash clothes. All you need is two bowls of hot water, one to get it soapy and one to rinse and you can do a fairly good job with cleaning and there is no bath tub required. Won't burn her eyes either when you are washing her face.
We have been thinking about you all and praying for Kyara.
-The Gulas Family

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you both! What a great thing....eye contact!! That sounds sooooo good! Hope you all sleep well and have a great weekend of homework and bubble baths. Keep working Kyara...we KNOW you are in there!
Love to all! Marcia

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Gunars ( a little late :0) and Happy 1/2 birthday Kyara, I check your carepage everyday...everyone here in Virginia is praying and thinking about you all day... Have a wonderful bubble bath, that should be fun! Let us know how it goes. Genie, you and Gunars are amazing parents... keep up your strength and positive attitude and spirit, it is an inspiration to us all. Lots of love to all, Gammon

Anonymous said...

Great news! Happy Birthday to both of you! A bubble bath? I am jealous! Keep working hard. Baby steps leads to walking and then running......

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Gunars. I know Kyara should enjoy her bubble bath..Good luck with the therapy this weekend. I know in some ways I can be harder on my kids than anyone else. Lots of love and prayers...the Lanes
PS:I know your whole family is on the prayer lists of atleast 4 churches in my area I'm working on gettting her on the other 3 :)

Anonymous said...

We have to believe that these moves at the hospital are a sign that the doctors believe that Kyara is improving, or showing signs of improvement... that's great! Every little bit counts, right?
It's wonderful that you have your family there to support you. We continue to send positive thoughts, strong vibes and lots of prayers from here.
Love you, Tina, Carlos & Nico

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Gunnars!! Happy Half-Birthday Kyara!! Gracie likes to celebrate her 1/2 birthday too, she just got into the habit last year. Its good to hear that Kyara's care and daily routine is going to be improving and is exactly what she needs. We know that Kyara will continue to improve daily, even if its something that you can't visually detect or see. There's no telling what is going through her mind and in her thought process. I'm going to send up some more pictures that I recently got of you guys, so be looking for those. Perhaps you could just use the pictures to talk to her about things and maybe even a memory will help her "click". Our prayers are with you all and we never stop thinking or checking online about Kyara and how you guys are doing. We just pray for God's strength to be given to each one of you and for His miraculous ways somehow intervene in Kyara's life. We love you guys and will talk with you later.

Allison, Orlando & Gracie

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Gunars and 1/2 bithday Kyara. Sounds like you have had a couple of busy days. It's great the grandparents are all able to come in and help you out.
Good Luck with the bath time tomorrow. Maybe the water will help relax her muscles a little bit. We continue to pray for rest and total recovery.
Love you all,
The Henley's