Kyara Dzenis

Kyara Dzenis

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

5 Weeks...

Really? Has it really been 5 weeks? The time seems to fly by and stand still all at once. I can still feel the punch in the stomach when I saw Tedra waiting for me in the recovery room. Wow, that's all I can Not good, not bad,

I wish I had some earth shattering news to write, but today has been more of the same. Kyara was storming most of the day. She is STILL not sleeping. She only slept from 9:30-10:30 last night. One hour is not enough! Certainly not enough for me! Kyara seems to be focusing better, but it is still not consistent. She has her moments for a couple of seconds, though, so we hold on to those. She is also complaining in a moaning kinda way. I told Gunars, she sounds like Chewbacca. Mostly it is more like a car engine, but every now and then, she changes pitch a little bit. We also went downstairs for therapy today. The poops are not as runny, but she is still pooping 5, 6, 7 times a day. I am still not sure I understand why she is on a laxative. She is not constipated, she just has a TON of gas. The doctors said the laxative with the gas-x medication will help with the gas. I guess it is working, she farts when she poops and her belly is much, much softer.

I pray that tomorrow will bring new signs and steps towards Kyara's progress.


Anonymous said...

Prayers are being sent your way!! Tonight we pray for SLEEP, peace, comfort, and more baby steps. Hang in there - you guys are amazing!!
The Brandons

Winkie-Dink said...

Got a preious e-mail from Peggy! Ya'll are amazing women!!! I will pray for sleep for your angel as well as some rest for you! Prayers and love are flying your way. Love, wink

Anonymous said...

Was introduced to Kyara on the University of West Georgia page.
She's a very beautiful angel.
Thank you for sharing her story, so that we can pray for her and you (the rest of her family) AND especially the Doctors, nurses and healthcare workers who will be blessed with the hands and knowledge that will heal her.
Today, I specifically pray that you and she will find rest. Her discomfort must be so hard for you. May she find HER voice and share some giggles, without groans.

Sallie said...

I just recently learned of your family's story and want you to know that you are in our prayers - it is so brave and wonderful of you to share your feelings, thoughts, trials, and celebrations on this blog. Kyara is truly touching hearts all over the country, and we look forward to reading more about her progress. God Bless!

Anonymous said...

My dear family, I was reading the comments from very nice people, and I found some were really amazing and inspiring. Some anonymous were mentioning some stories, like the fire in the hut and about her nephew, we should be very positive, something very good from God will be giving to Kyara's recovery, it is just around the corner, let's keep praying.


Anonymous said...

I can see the progress. My prayers for some sleep and comfort for you all. She is a strong little girl -- BELIEVE!

Some prayers are going your way tonight as well from my family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Genie.. a day with no news, is better than a day with bad news... Let's really hope that this calm, uneventful day will be a catalyst to progress later.... Can't stop thinking of you guys.... and every single moment we think of you and hope and pray that Kyara gives you a real positive sign! Love,

Tina, Carlos & Nico

sep12286 said...

Prayers for Kyara and the whole Dzenis family. I too pray for good days knowing the love of God and that He sees all our tomorrows and has promised great grace. What a beautiful girl and so strong! Good Hope Baptist Church, Dalton GA is praying. Bruce.

momtoablessing said...

I came across ur blog today when googling information on g tubes. My daughter is 4 and has cerebral palsy and other health problems. i read your whole blog today it was very touching and brought tears to my eyes. you are such a strong mother and your daughter is such a fighter. I will keep your family in my prayers.

Nancy H said...

Kyara, I want you to know that there are a lot of people in the gallery tonight, at the 'Cards for Kyara" benefit, looking at the great artist trading cards that were created by many college students and local artists for you. I will send you a link to the online gallery of all the pictures we've taken.
There are a lot of people thinking and praying for you.
You are strong Kyara and have the strength of many behind you and God is right there beside you. Just hold on Kyara, you will be well.
Love, Nancy Coker Hyde (Claire's Mom)