Kyara Dzenis

Kyara Dzenis

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Not Going Home.

Did someone say "Bump Ahead?" For the past few days, Kyara has been increasingly agitated, but we thought it may be due to her being more aware. We also thought it could be from the agitation phase of recovery. Last night, however, we learned differently. She has an infection. We are not sure where it is stemming from yet, but she is not stable enough to fly home. With a heart rate in the 180-190s and her breathing rate very high, everyone feels she needs to get this under better control before we try to fly her home.

Yesterday when people at the hospital would ask me, "Aren't you excited about going home?" I would answer, "Not until I am on the plane and in the air." I don't understand why these things keep happening to Kyara. I am very upset not to get home...I wanted to see Skylar and Gunars so bad! I know God has a reason... I just don't understand it. I am praying for a quick recovery from the infection so we can finally get home with our family. Please pray for Kyara and for my strength, I am feeling very low right now and could use the help.


Just a girl said...

Oh, Genie, I'm so sorry. I was thinking last night about how you must be missing Skylar. My heart is with you, and you are always in my prayers. When I saw the picture of Kyara's hands it made me think about a song by Jewel that has reminded me of you and of Kyara. "My hands are small I know, but they're not yours they are my own and I am never broken". You probably know the song. Praying that this is a very short setback and that you'll be back here in Georgia soon.

Anonymous said...

You know the feeling you get when your running late and then have to turn around and go back to the house because you forgot something? It's very frustrating.

But then you're driving down the road and see an awful wreck and think to yourself, "that would have been me if I hadn't had to go back to the, God was wathcing over me today".

I think that is exactly what happened last night. Right now you are so frustrated and have every right to be, but eventually you'll understand that God was watching over Kyara.

You're probably thinking that you can't take much more, but you can. From reading your posts everyday it is clear to me that you and you're family have the kind of faith that can move mountains.

When you think that you don't have the strength to endure anymore of God's test....just know that you even have strangers that believe you do.

Sallie said...

I am so sorry to hear about this "bump in the road." I can only imagine your frustration - you handle yourself beautifully, and I will continue to send happy thoughts and prayers your way to help you remain strong for Kyara. Life will be so much easier on you once you are back South - hang in there a little while longer.....

Anonymous said...

I think about your situation everyday and pray for your family every night. She is blessed to have a mother with such strength and love. Looking in from the "outside", I feel as though I could never handle what you're going through. But, I realize that God gives us the kind of strength that we need to have to get through the tough times. He puts us in situations and places specific people in our lives for a purpose. Although we don't know what God's specific reasons are right now, everyone who has been praying for your family has been touched and our hearts have been softened by Kyara's story. I pray that her infection heals quickly and that you are filled with all of the strength and hope that you need to get through this. There truly is "no place like home" and I pray that you all have a safe trip back- very soon.

John Waller has a new song out called "God Reigns Here". It is a very powerful and inspirational song. "Spirit of death- You have no place here- I command that you leave- In Jesus' name- Spirit of fear-You have no place here- I command that you leave- In Jesus' name- You're not welcoome here- So go, just go- Spirit of doubt- You have no place here- I command that you leave- In Jesus' name- OUR GOD REIGNS HERE/OUR GOD REIGNS HERE/WE CLAIM THIS GROUND/IN JESUS' NAME/THE BATTLE'S WON I HAVE NO FEAR/CAUSE GOD REIGNS HERE, etc.

No matter what our situations are, this is a battle cry of hope and faith and I think of Kyara when I hear it!

Anonymous said...

Oh no Genie :( My heart hurts for you guys so much. Lifting up prayers daily for you and Kyara to stay strong.. {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Love the Cambas Family

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry! I know you are very disappointed, but God knew you were going to leave and had to show you something was wrong. If you had of left and went on things could be a lot worse. I am praying everyday for you and especially Kyara. I know she is going to come out ahead of this. Hang in there.
God Bless,
Lori Gray

Anonymous said...

Oh Genie, i know you feel sick to your too! It is so hard when you have your hopes up and get them slashed down again. It is better for Kyara to be as healthy as possible for transport and I know that you know that. It is just so hard to swallow that you will have to wait a little longer. We will be praying for you all still and for safe travels for everyone at the right time, God's time. Hang in there, girl!

The Lopers

Anonymous said...

As you know...sometimes we don't have the answers but with time you will get them. Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to wait. Keep believing, as we are! Hoping that you can have all of your babies together soon!