Kyara Dzenis

Kyara Dzenis

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Guess What...Another Bump!

Kyara has been eating pretty well. She doesn't eat much at a time which is not a surprise, but at least once a meal she gags and throws up the food, much like she did before we got here. We are not sure if it is psychological or if there is something there to be worried about, so we called the doctor this morning. Before we headed home we wanted to check and make sure this was "par for the course." We continued to pack up, the girls and Gunars played in the snow, and just as we were about to leave we got word from Dr. Coran..."Don't leave." He wants to scope and dilate her on Monday. It would be outpatient and then we can head home. I explained that we want the best for Kyara and if that is what she needs, we will stay, but is there anyway he could do it today (Saturday) or tomorrow (Sunday) so that we can get on home? I am waiting to hear back from him. Dr. Coran has to call the hospital, his staff, and try to work around everyone's schedule. We will let you know how it turns out :)


Anonymous said...

Dont you worry...Things will work out for you guys, whether it be today or Monday. HOORAY! HOORAY for Kyara!

Drive safely!
The Vaughn's

Anonymous said...

Our fingers are crossed you will be able to start your journey home soon. We are so proud of the progress you have made Kyara.....and so proud of your family for being so strong through it all! Get home safe and enjoy the white stuff up there. It definately will not be a white Christmas in Georgia!

Love Ya'll,
Marcia Fields

Anonymous said...

We will be praying for you guys!!I hope all goes well today. Keep us posted on outcome of testing. Please give little Kyara a hug.
Love to All
Misty Evans

Anonymous said...

Once more in suspense, but hopefuly this will be a minor delay to the trip to Georgia.
Meanwhile Skylar can enjoy the snow in Michigan.
Waiting to hear more about Kyara's progress.