Kyara Dzenis

Kyara Dzenis

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Education Debate

We are getting closer to a new school year and I am trying to decide the best place for Kyara. There is a school close to us (the Joseph Sams School) for children with disabilities, and we are also looking at good old public school with our county school system. We have been thrilled with Skylar and Kyara's schooling at Willis Road Elementary, but after having an evaluation done for Kyara yesterday, it doesn't sound like Kyara will be able to attend that school anymore. The evaluator was suggesting a self-contained classroom at a different school across the county. I am not so sure I am happy with this idea. First off, I think Kyara is stuck in a body that is not working the way she wants it too. I think she needs to be in a regular classroom as much as possible. If she is not going to be in a regular classroom, then I want her in a school that will provide lots of therapy, cognitive development, and specialize in alternative communication. Am I asking for too much? I don't know... If I could have it my way, I would split time, part time in the school that specializes in children with disabilities, and part time in a regular classroom with her peers. She needs to have motivation. She needs to be with friends. She needs to learn. Kyara loved reading and doing math problems. She loved the computer. I want her to have access to these things again.

We are looking into a couple of different therapies for Kyara. One therapy is suit-therapy. Kyara would wear a suit that was designed in Poland and go through physical therapy for 4 hours a day/5 days a week/ for 3 consecutive weeks. The program is offered at a therapy center about an hour from our house. They claim that some kids get 6 months worth of improvement during those 3 weeks. We are also looking into Hyperbaric Chambers, which provide an increased amount of oxygen to the body to help the brain heal. We are also considering hippotherapy (horseback therapy - which is suppose to be great for trunk control) and aquatherapy (therapy in the pool). Unfortunately, none of these therapies are covered by insurance, and for some strange reason, money doesn't grow on trees. So, we are going to have to be selective in which therapies we pursue.

Kyara has been working on tasting foods. We are using a mesh bag to put food in and allow her to chew on it without getting large pieces that she would have a hard time swallowing. We are also spoon feeding her tiny amounts. The thing that is exciting about this is that she is moving her lips and tongue to move the food from her lips into her mouth. This is a great movement to see and shows that she has the capability to learn to eat again! Praise God!! We are also using small dum-dum suckers to encourage lip movements.

Skylar and Kassey have had busy summers. Kassey is learning all kinds of new stuff and loves going down the slide. She has learned to climb ladders, so I have to be on my toes...she like to climb up on Skylar's loft bed! Scary!! Skylar has been going to gymnastic camp, karate, and swimming lessons this past week. Exhausting!!

Gunars is busy with work. I am not sure where to time goes. It seems like there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done. My house is a disaster, my kids don't always get a bath, and I have forgotten how to cook. But, we find time each day to laugh, love, and hug. And, when the day is over, and I am climbing into bed (on sheets that haven't been changed in 3 weeks) I know that my girls and my husband know how much I love them. I can always plan to clean the house....tomorrow.


Lana said...

It is amazing at how far Kyara has come already. You all are doing a wonderful job. Just remember that you all are loved and are in God's hands.

I heard a quote today that I just have to share:"When you are at the end of your will find the hem of his garment."

Anonymous said...

You are not at all asking for too much!You are your child's best advocate and until she can speak for herself, you are her voice. Maybe Willis isn't where her needs can best be met-at this time.It doesn't mean she will never be here but maybe for now, she needs a placement that offers more intensive services.Once you find the school that will fit as many of Kyara's needs as possible, and is reasonable with your family constraints, then you will have a bit of breathing room to accommodate some of your other wants for her. I bet there are other ways to get her involved with non-disabled peers.
You are a great organizer and you will get these steps in line.Let us know how we can help-you have a great many people here at Willis that would love to be given a task-hey, I worked on a hotel cleaning staff in college!It's amazing what a couple of hours without kids to feed, clean, and put to bed will do!
Let us know how to help-sometimes it's the small things that matter when life is so hectic.
Susan K.

Mrs. Carlisle said...


We know it has to be overwhelming and scary to have to make so many decisions about Kyara's education, but we are confident that you will make the decisions that are best for her. You always do! She is such a smart girl, as we all know, and no matter what her environment will be, we are confident that she will continue to learn. We are praying that the therapy she receives continues to help her body improve physically so that she is better able to communicate her intelligence to teachers and therapists. We know how smart she is and soon they will too!

We LOVE your priorities! Family first!!! Clean houses are just way overrated!!! That's what I tell everyone that comes into mine. HA!

Please tell us how we can help. We are not always the best housekeepers, but we do know how to clean and would love to help with that if you will let us. Just please keep it a secret from our husbands. They don't know we have those skills.

We love you guys!
Kiss our girls!
Laurie and Josette

Michelle said...

What a beautiful post! Genie, we're not dealing with the same issues as you, but still you are way ahead of us... three weeks to change sheets? Geez, I can't remember when we last changed the boys'. You're doing good! And no bathing? Well, it's summer--what's the point? They'll sweat and swim tomorrow, so call it good enough. Cooking? Order a contains the four food groups, you know!

Yay! Who would have known that dum-dums could serve such a purpose? How exciting that Kyara is working on her "eating" movements! Best wishes as you evaluate her education options. And if you ever find one of those money trees, could you mail us a few seeds?

Much love and prayers,


Jenny said...

Hey Genie -
I stumbled across a link to this carepage on facebook. I am overwhelmed by all your news. But please know that you and your family will be in our prayers! Hope the last few weeks of summer are enjoyable and hope to see you around soon.
Take care,
Jenny Buckalew