Kyara Dzenis

Kyara Dzenis

Monday, April 6, 2009

It's Monday, and Still We're Here

Curtis - A dinosaur puppet just for you!! I took Kassey to a puppet parade on Sunday. It was really neat!

Some pictures of Kassey at dinner. She is comic relief!!! Also picture of Kyara. She is upset, but she is opening her hands! This is against her normal tone. Usually when she gets upset, she clenches her hands, so I see this as a positive thing!

Last night was rough again. Kyara was moved from her private room to a double room at 2:00am! I don't mind that we had to move, they needed the room for a child that has cancer and needed to be by themselves, but I wish it had not come so late in the night. It really disrupted her sleep and I think Kyara had a hard time with the change in environment. She did not sleep much after the move, so I didn't either. Unfortunately, she was groaning and crying, and she woke our new neighbor. Sorry! I know how frustrating it can be for a roommate to wake your child. I hate that we were that roommate.
This morning Kyara was still struggling some. She just seemed very uncomfortable. There were some good points during the day, too. On three different occasions she lifted her head up and held it up for close to a minute. This evening she lifted her head 2 of the 3 times and she looked HAPPY when she did it! Sometimes when she is upset, her tone will get very strong and she will extend which causes her head to raise. This was NOT what was happening! She was doing it because she wanted to. Yes!
We have been accepted at Scottish Rite, we will be on the GI service with Dr. Meyers, and we will be on the rehab floor. Her pneumatosis is stable, thank God! Now we are waiting for transfer information. Wednesday or Thursday is the new hopeful days. Thank you for all of the prayers and warm wishes!


Mrs. Laurie said...

Great News!! We can't wait to hear that you are on your way. Kyara sweet girl keep up the hard work that you are doing to try to get back to your old self. Our prayers are for a safe trip home to Georgia and to Scottish Rite.

Love to you all,
Josette and Laurie

Michelle and Eddy said...

Congratulations on getting accepted at Scottish Rite. Now you will be able to care for Kyara much closer to home... perhaps a change of scenery is what Kyara needs! Hoping you have a safe and successful transition and we look forward to your update.

Much love,
Michelle & Eddy

Anonymous said...

Great to hear things are moving forward! We are still praying and believing! God can do anything and we are excited to watch His handiwork in progress! Most people do not understand the power of prayer and God's ability to do ANYTHING! Kyara is truly a miracle who happens to be blessed with two amazing parents. We must also never forget her fabulous grandparents too! Go! Kyara, Go! We love you all, Spokane

Anonymous said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for a speedy and safe move home. Always happy to hear of Kyara's progressions. Keep up the good work..not only Kyara but you too!

Michelle said...

Genie, What beautiful pictures of your beautiful girls! I'm so excited to hear about the progress Kyara is making! The boys and I said some special prayers this morning for Kyara, your family, and your safe journey home. We hope the weather doesn't give you trouble. The day we were going to come home, there was a severe storm across the entire Midwest and we were delayed a day and missed Christmas.

For those of us not from Atlanta, what is Scottish Rite? A rehab hospital?

Much love,


Anonymous said...

I am praying for you guys I am glad that things are starting to get set up for you to go back to GA. How great that there are improvements and she is starting to do better. Maybe I will see you later I am spending the rest of the day in the waiting room. Love Y, Jessica

nottoooldtolearn said...

We were a patient of Dr. Meyers for a little over a year. He is a wonderful doctor, very compassionate. Hope you have a safe trip.