Yesterday it snowed a pretty good amount in the morning. Before going to the hospital to see Kyara, Skylar and I had some needed one-on-one time. We went for a walk in the Arboretum that is right next to the Ronald McDonald House. There was trails all through the park and a main "road" around the inside perimeter of the park. I believe it is about a mile to a mile and a half around, but we took some of the trails through the park as well. Half way through the walk, we ran across an information post and got to see a map. This helped greatly because I was beginning to think we were just walking in cirlces. After a while, the trees start to look the same :) Skylar and I had a great time. We built a small snowman, threw snowballs at each other and we took a kickball with us and knocked the ball around some. I loved spending the time with her. Through this whole process, Skylar has been so tough and understanding, but she needs some attention placed on her, too. When we were walking back to the House, she told me that she had a great time and reached over to hold my hand. Gosh- I loved that! Spending this quality time with my kids is so precious to me. I have taken it for granted in the past, and I am realizing that these moments are important, not only to the girls, but for me, too. There is a quote on the wall of the PICU, "We do not remember days, we remember moments." I have walked by this quote everyday since Nov. 2 and its message recently hit me. I don't recall which day Kyara started to wake up, but I do recall her nodding her head when I said "I love you." I remember the giddiness that Skylar (and I) had when we went to Six Flags this summer. Kassey is starting to blow kisses, but I am not sure which day this started on. My point is, I am enjoying the moments and they will be with me forever!
Thank you for the inspiration you are providing us all!! It is very important that we focus on those moments and create lasting memories. We are all praying for all of you and truly appreciate your willingness to share this experience with us all.
We hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!
Please tell Kyara that Timothy says hello!!
Th Brandons
What a wonderful post! You have to remember though, to put a "Kleenex Alert" before you do that! It is amazing how we all take so many things for granted. This is especially true with the ones we love, the ones we think will always be with us. Our children grow up so fast sometimes, and sometimes we think not fast enough. Live for each moment. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family all together. Skylar, Kyara, Kassey, you and Gunars. You really are special people.
Ms. Michelle and family
Our family is thinking and praying for you. Thanks for sharing your insight from your walk with Skylar. A friend once told me to make sure not to miss the "nuggets" in the darkness. Grab hold and cling to the lessons that we learn while walking through the dark days. Know that you are prayed for...Kirby, Halle and Natalie are remembering to pray for you guys too. Much to be thankful for! Take care,
Cristen Schmalz
I am so impressed that amidst all the chaos and worry, you were able to take that time with Skylar. Sometimes we get so fixated on 'one' aspect of our life and forget other things need tending too. I know the memories you made with Skylar today will be treasured in her heart forever. It is so true that, "its the little things that mean the most." You are teaching your girls such great life lessons, just by being you.
Thanks for sharing and enjoy the rest of the week.
Anne Henley
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